Eda Tarak

The back of a woman's head as she photographs port infrastructure from a jettyIn my current work, I study cargo ships in the Eastern Mediterranean with all of the collateral entities that they take in their travels. From invasive comb jellies in ballast water to anti-fouling paint sloughing off the hulls and rats amongst the cargo, I study environmental effects of freight shipping on coastal landscapes in which such effects are included in the analysis of capital, labor, and the logistics.

I received my BA in Cultural Studies from Sabanci University in 2011 with a minor in Art Theory and Criticism. I received my MA in Sociology from Bogazici University in Istanbul with a thesis on historical and political encounters of displacement, inequality, and exclusion that shaped the cohabitation with stray animals in an urban context.

A woman standing on a jetty in front of a port, with the wind blowing her hair


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