Feb 13 2020: Ethnographic Engagements with Anand Pandian

Please just us for an informal evening discussion with Anand Pandian, Professor of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University, about his new book, A Possible Anthropology: Methods for Uneasy Times. The book touches on timely discussions that we’ve been having in our department on the stakes, possibilities, and critical importance of anthropological work in marshaling the capacities to envision a world still latent in this one. The event will be organized a reading of two pre-circulated chapters of the book (both attached), one of which is fortuitously in thought with the works of many folks in Santa Cruz and its intellectual orbit.
Come! There’ll be pizza and snacks. Feel free, but certainly not obligated to bring something to share.
When: Thursday February 14, 6:30-8:30 pm (after SEACoast Slow Seminar)
Where: Chez Summer (please email Joseph Klein, kleinj@ucsc.edu, for address)